Thursday, July 31, 2014


Now for me Growing up I seen a A lot of Physical an Emotional Abuse towards My mom,an I never could wrap My Brain around Why or how she can stay with a so called MAN as long as they abused her??
With that being I held a lot of Anger towards men,How can men do this? How is this OK?

I always thought of Men to be a Violent Breed of Species,I mean come on how can I NOT,I didn't know there was any other kind.
Little did I know the Things I would see an Hear as a child/Preteen would soon Affect My Adult life. I do believe what I saw as a child affected the way I see men,an My Standards for,men.

After Growing up an Entering My adult hood i just knew i didn't want the Kind of LOVE i seen My family had,

I didn't really know what love was Until I got Pregnant.
A younger,Smarter,Faster ME.
The most amazing feeling I feel, words can't describe the feeling for real.
My Greatest creation was Gracie.

I got this emotion in body,a feeling like . . .  I knew I couldn't live with out this little girl next to me,I wanted everything for her,I never wanted her to Feel Sadness,I never wanted her to worry about Anything,i just want to Protect Her forever.
 So this is what love feels like?
Holding My daughter I felt this 4 letter word Love..
Wow love feels pretty amazing if you ask me?!!

Now Back to MEN;

Than I met My HusbandπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘.
The Man that would Change EVERYTHING.
All My worries, All My Anger, Hurt ,Broken Pieces.
He Put Together,Richard Made me Realize that there are men that will love you.
That won't hurt you,Men that do want a Family an will do Anything to keep you happy.
In My Case,It was hard to trust because everything I had seen an Heard growing up this was to good to be true.
Richard has changed My Daughters life along with mine forever,
Sometimes I have a Hard time expressing My love,
I thought Yelling an Arguing was A normal kind of love.
Little did I know.....

Learning to love a Man,has been harder than I thought.
But the feeling you get when its Right is Undescribable❤πŸ’™.

So now with being almost 21,Married,a Mother,Employed.
I have to constantly remind My Myself "Marissa You are not your Mother,"
I have to break this vicious cycle,Reality Struck. .
An I refuse to be like EVERYONE ELSE.

I am the one to make it Happen, I live for My Daughters an Husband smile an we are going to make it with or without anyone else.

It takes a lot to try an get out of a constant cycle that's been in your family forever,

#GetRight #BreakTheCycle #ImTheOne.

I love you Richard❤

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