Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dear Marissa.

Im laying in My daughters room just got off of work,
Longest 8 hours ever lol. Been up since 4am. Its now 4pm.
Lol anyways so were watching Hercules,an I just had this thought if I could write a Letter now for Myself when I became 10 what would it say? OK Between 10-13.
It would Start Like this . .

Dear Marissa,
Your Very Beautiful,Smart,someone loves you. an Despite the way your growing up the things you have to See an Hear on a daily Basis,you won't turn out like that.
 i just want to let you know it doesn't get easier,but lucky for you,your a very tuff Mama,
you have to Constantly Remind your self that you are not your Mom or Dad.
You are better than your parents,Speaking of Mama;
you will soon experience your First child,an though you might struggle because you don't have a Role model Mother you won't Fail.
Your going to be a Amazing Mother.
Marissa Your Struggle is going to make you who you are for the BEST.
 the Mother your about to become, an the Wife you will be down the line,your going to have to make many Sacrifices, an become a Very Different person.

Your Very Caring,you have the Biggest Heart an always tend to help people.
But you need to know that later in your life you an your family (Gracie,an My Husband)
Is what Matters. Yes your heart is going to ache but Realize that you can't change anyone.
An you have to live your life,its time.

You have a Very Hard Childhood,actually you never really experience the true meaning of Child hood,but once your grown you will be a Successful hard working Mother an wife.
All Because your Struggle Made you want more for your Family,

Never Give up on Yourself Or your Children&Husband.

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