Saturday, August 23, 2014


i always heard growing up no can break a brothers an sisters bond.
Boy did they lie..

My Dearest Brother, where did we loose eachother at?
How can we allow our selfs to fall apart an become weak.
Sometimes i sit an look at all the pictures of us growning up,
An i know our children will never share the bond we once had.
We always talked about how "Our Kids" would be the ones who changed this family.
How different of parents we would be!
How we would never ever give up on each other an how we only have eachother.
But how can we stop the rain,from falling?
What makes the world go round?
Sometimes things fall outta place so better things can happen.
Things Happen for a Reason.
i love you Bro, an Maybe One day Everything will be settled.
Till than we will continue to live our lifes.

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