Friday, August 15, 2014

black sheep Bahhhh.

Growing up I just wanted someone to acknowledge all the "GOOD" I do.
I strive for the best everyday, I strive to be a Better Mother,a Better wife.

I have feelings to!

I like to refer Myself as a Black sheep of the Family.
I've always been treated a little different...... Did I say a Little...
I meant a lot.

I held a lot of Bitterness, Confusion, Maybe Anger,a Hint of Jealousy.
We have what you call the "Golden Child" in our family an one of those Golden child was My Oldest brother,No Matter how much wrong he did He was NEVER wrong.

As a young child I never understood,

What's wrong with me?
Why am I being treated differently?

Its just a cycle in our family.

Once I got Married I decided that I was just going to let it all go,
I'm turning 21 I'm not going to let the past take over me, man I've never felt so damb weak,
Once I realized I literally let this take over me.

I have to be able to control My life, not let my life control me.
I'm no longer in competition with someone who's suppose to be My Sibling.
I will not fight for someone to love or care about me,I figure I don't need someone to tell Me there proud of me when I'm proud of my self!
I'm proud of where I am at today!
I am proud that I am young an Independent, I work everyday for what I want in life.
I work hard to stay independent, I refuse to Fail an when you come to a point in your life when your tired of being the same you will change

Even if no one Acknowledges All My Good,I'm still Good.

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