Saturday, August 9, 2014

a Letter To Mom.

So almost 5 paragraphs got deleted but you know what maybe it was for the best.
Let's start over......

Mom,I hope someday you are Proud of me.
I hope one day I make you proud to say "That's My Daughter"
Mom Despite everything we've been through,I don't hold anything against you.
I understand that no one is perfect,I understand that being left with 2 kids wasn't easy.
I remember the good days an I live off those,I wish I can take the pain away,its a struggle everyday for me to not have the Relationship I want with you.
I remember when I was younger we would write letters to each other an read them.
Writing took all my feelings an emotions away.

Mom I have Faith that one day,you will be strong an dig deep an Find an Repair your Heart because in Reality only you can.
I love you so much an you mean the world to me,one day I will buy you a Big comfy house,a Nice Car. An give you the world.
I promise to always work hard an Never give up on myself.
I promise to always be the best mother an always improve on Motherhood.

Growing up with a parent who has a Addiction is Never Easy,it truly sucks that this happens everyday. I could never ever till this day uunderstand how women an men can choose drugs over there child? How can you look you child in the eyes an continue to ruin your child's life.

I have always told my self to not be weak,to always stay focused on My Daughter create a bond that not even drugs can Break. Nothing nor no one can ever over come our Relationship, my daughter will forever come first because she's My Life. I control My life,My life Does not control me.


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