Wednesday, September 24, 2014

let the games Begin.

Genesis 1:28 
Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground."

                                      Its almost a year of Relationship an Marriage for Richard an I.

I remember the first thing both our families told us,was to be careful an not have any children so soon.
WE never prevented pregnancy, we just decided as a couple that if it happen naturally it was fine with us.
My husbands Family didnt want us to have any children until we were married,
My Husbands Parents didnt even let us sleep in the same room together until we were married lol .

We wanted to do things different for our family, as a Newly Married Couple we wanted to work on our Marriage an Build this empire strong for our children.
We want to get right in life, 
In our marriage 
As People
As parents.
                                                                  Our Lifes our in a place where . . 
We worked hard to get them,Nothing an i mean Nothing was Handed to us.
My Husband an i work hard to give Our Daughter a Great Future.
An just in case i have New Readers My Husband is Not My Daughters Biological Dad.
But My Husband has stepped up Tremendously to be a Wonderful Father in Gracies Life.

next month will be a year that we have Been in a Relationship an Dec will be a Year of Marriage.
An We have decided to expand Our Family,Now like i said ,
We never did anything to prevent Pregnancy, 
So Now we are currently Trying for a Baby😊
An By Trying I Mean we are set on Having a Baby Very Very Soon lol .
We already Have a Boy Name an a Girl name picked out


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