Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Im a strong believer of everything Happens for a reason,
My Marriage is NO where near Perfect,
But whos is?
Everyday i learn something new about My Husband,
His Likes
His Dislikes
Marriage is a Constent,
An if your not Constent with each other you will fall.

I try everyday to better Myself as a Mother&+Wife.
Most importantly a Person in general,

Ive learned so much in just 1 year.

With My Husband it was love at first sight
An I knew from the moment i saw him he was going to be My Husband.

I expected the worse this first year of Marriage an that's what we got from our families,
We have struggled so much . . 
Simply because we Depended on People.

My Husband an i 
Come from 2 different types of Familys.
2 different Lifes styles.

I lived with My grandparents
He lived with his Parents
An either of us wanted to move to eachothers families but we did.

It didnt last long until we realized we needed our own space an decided  to branch out.

I knew this was going to be hard for us,
I felt lost,Confused,Happy,Emotional,
Um simply because this was REAL.

Everything Hit me all at once,
But i trusted My Struggle,
I belived in My struggle,
I knew this was just the start.

Theres Many time where i just sit an wonder how are we doing this?
How are we so blessed?

My daughter an Husband are My Rocks we stay strong for Gracie an Eachother.
Ive Learned to always stay Humble,Have Patience,Love,an Communicate.

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