Friday, November 28, 2014


The hardest thing is to watch someone distroy them selfs.
As if they were never born,
As if they never exsited.
My heart aches,
But My Tears are tired.
I never thought would come this point in my life,
That i give up, 
I give up......
I give up trying to save you, when you won't save your self.
I give up crying for you when you never shed a tear for me.
What about me!
What about how i feel!

Im hurt,
Im angry,
Im frustrated, 

Maybe i am.


I feel everything deeply 
Not just emotions,but intentions,

Someone asked me why do you only blog about your husband an Child.
Um hello,
Because #1 this is My Website. . Like Bye lol
An because #2 My Daughter an Husband are My Biggest blessings. 

Marriage is Beautiful when your in love an with the right Man.
Being a Mother is Beautiful. 
Both have changed My life in ways that are unexplainable. 

Ive been a wife for almost 1 year.
An ive been a Mother for almost 5 years.
Like duh,i have alot to say about them both ahaha.

white tiger

Ive learned that in life everything,
You Do!
You Say!
Every action will reflect on your life!

Like dont tell me i dont deserve what i have because "whatever Reason you come up with"
Like quit feeling sorry for your self!
Quit making excuses 
Quit making a Reason why you cant do it!
An just do it!

Despite the way i grew up an how both my parents were!
That did not reflect on my life to the point where it controlled me.
I Control My life!
I Control every movement!

Dont sit an tell me my past Owns me!
My past aint shit,My Past is a simple stepping stone to where im at today!
Everyone has a struggle,
I Happen to trust mine an went with the flow an became a better person!

Ive learned i cant make everyone happy,
An i no longer try to.

Because in the end the only person that needs to be happy are your children, spouse,an Your self of course. 
I know Myself better than anyone,
An No ones Words, nor opinion will hurt me.
Like i sleep Great Every night thank you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Silent night.

-2 corinthians 1-4 
So i made up my mind that i would not make another painful visit to you.
For if i grieve you,
who is left to make me Happy but you...
whom i grieved? 
I wrote As i did so that when i arrived i would not be distressed by those who ought to make me rejoice. 
I had confidence in all of you,
that you would share my joy. 
For i wrote you out of Great distress an anguish from my heart,
with many tears!
Not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you.