Friday, September 4, 2015

Welcome back !

Hey guys sorry I've been like MIA
But here's why!

We don't realize how co dependent we are with Social Media, an not just social media I mean the Technology World! It's crazy the width drawls someone can have.
Being off the internet has given me some time to find my self,

 I needed a break,
 I needed this soul searching! 
I realized how much I depended on social media, I mean let's be honest we post a picture to get likes,
We post a status to get feed back and we as Humans Thrive off this shit.
I felt like I NEEDED other people to boost my self esteem,Not that I have a self esteem Problem I just like that extra boost! 
I felt like I NEEDED some kind of Validation! I don't know why?!!
Social media has broken me into pieces and has pulled me in every direction possible!

I Really just needed a mental break from Technology! 
I needed to see what was real,
I needed to see the life outside social media.
I had to find my balance.

1 comment:

  1. I hope u found it baby girl i love u and if u ever need to talk call 559)396-7912 just because I'm in los Angeles I'm never to far to say I live u your favorite Tia kastina
