Friday, September 4, 2015

welcome to Kinder!

I'm not sure if all parents feel this way but Oh my gosh the first week of school 
I was in complete shock and such a emotional wreck.
I quickly caught on to our new schedule,
And of course being that first time mom I always imagined how the first day of school would play out. 
What would she wear?
How should I do her hair?
What do I make for breakfast?

Nice Warm fluffy French toast filled my Baby girls tummy as we drove to school!
Wearing my sunglasses and quickly wiping my face so she couldn't see my tears running down my cheeks.
so we pull up to her school and I look in my rear view mirror and she's so excited,
And I ask her are you ready mama,ready to go to school...
She's says Yes, so Happy and excited!

so we got out the car and we held hands and the whole time My chest is in my stomach!
My heart is beating Fast!
I'm trying to hold back my tears so she doesn't see me all upset!
And I see her looking around and a little worried and I bend down and take my glasses off and say baby girl you are going to do just fine and I can't wait to hear all about your day after school I'll be right at the gate when you get out, I love you! 
And she smiled and said I know mom I love you to!

The doors open!
Off she goes!
An I just started crying uncontrollably lol!

She didn't see that so I guess I did ok lol 

I remember growing up and entering Elementary we always had things like science fairs,book fairs and of course I was in cheer lol.
I remember my mom and step dad always came to things like this and was so involved.
An now as a adult as a mother&wife I'm making it a priority to do the same with my daughter because I know the positive effects it has.
To have both a mommy and daddy there.
For some reason I can't forget this one science fair I must have been in the 4/5 grade and we had to create all the planets and color them,I remember my step dad thought it would be so cool to get fruity scented color markers!! So we created this poster with the solar system and as we enter the cafeteria we smell up the whole place!!!!!! 
Grape mostly what I remember and I'm not sure why I can't forget that! Lol!
But we had such a great time,and it's memories like this that I want to create with my child.

I remember my step dad making breakfast and running us to school because we were late because he couldn't get my hair in a good ponytail, now here I am with my own little girl who doesn't like ponytails lol 

Welcome back !

Hey guys sorry I've been like MIA
But here's why!

We don't realize how co dependent we are with Social Media, an not just social media I mean the Technology World! It's crazy the width drawls someone can have.
Being off the internet has given me some time to find my self,

 I needed a break,
 I needed this soul searching! 
I realized how much I depended on social media, I mean let's be honest we post a picture to get likes,
We post a status to get feed back and we as Humans Thrive off this shit.
I felt like I NEEDED other people to boost my self esteem,Not that I have a self esteem Problem I just like that extra boost! 
I felt like I NEEDED some kind of Validation! I don't know why?!!
Social media has broken me into pieces and has pulled me in every direction possible!

I Really just needed a mental break from Technology! 
I needed to see what was real,
I needed to see the life outside social media.
I had to find my balance.