Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Controversial Topics.

controversial topics

Child Birth.

I would love to hear others views and Opinions on this topic as well.

So of course majority of people Claim to be against Abortions which is totally understandable.

And you have others who always throw comments out as far as " She's not a good mom,she doesn't deserve to have kids,"all she does is party!" 

Now when I hear people say these things what do they recommend that mother should have done "got a abortion? "Give her Baby up for adoption?"

I stand In question with what I currently believe in, I feel for Myself I could never ever get a abortion no matter what the circumstances are, an I would never be able to go through a pregnancy and at the end of birth hand My child over to Another family I just couldn't live with Myself doing something like that.

I understand that being a parent isn't for everyone, but at the same Time you have to want to be a good Parent,you have to constantly be consistent on your self to do good for your child.

Some Mother's become a parent really young and have to give up a lot like there teen years and adult hood,some women aren't ready to live the life of a mother,so what do we judge her for making that Statement? Or judge her because of what she feels? Who are we to judge anyone ? What gives us that right?

So ask your self where do you stand?

For me I'm learning not to judge someone based on decisions they made for them self's at the moment when needed to.

We Cant judge someone because they felt like getting a abortion or adoption was right for them at that point in there life.